The Tzikandeles (from Latin cicindela, i.e. 'glowworm') family
Los 2812
Goudelios Tzikandeles, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 7.51 g, 12 h). +AΓIЄ ΘⲰMA ROHΘ, ΓOVΔЄΛIⲰ TⲰ TZIKANΔIΛH - Θ / Θ/Ⲱ-M/A/C ('Saint Thomas, help Goudelios Tzikandeles') Facing bust of Saint Thomas, nimbate, raising his right hand in benediction and holding scroll in his left. Rev. +OV / CΦPAΓIC / ЄIMI THN / ΓPAΦHN / OPⲰN NO/ЄI ('Observe what is written to see whose seal I am') in six lines. Bulgurlu and Ilaslı, Seals from the museum of Afyon in SBS 8, p. 131-149, no. 28. Metcalf, Cyprus I, 601. SBS 6, p. 138 and p. 154. Wassiliou-Seibt, Corpus II, 1717o. Very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The Tzikandeles (from Latin cicindela, i.e. 'glowworm') family appears in the historical record from the 11th century onwards. They belonged to the highest circles of Byzantine society, even marrying into the imperial family of the Komnenoi. A sebastos named Goudelios Tzikandeles is attested as an attendant of the synod of 1166. Our seal does not belong to this person, as its style belongs to the second half of the 11th century. However, it is very probably that the two namesakes were grandfather and grandson.
50 CHF
110 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 26-Feb-24, 12:30:30 CET
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